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Beauty In The Eyes of The Beholder

On a car ride between places this week, I was playing worship music and singing to God when I heard Him say, “You are lovely.” This is one of the words He gave me at the beginning of the year to reflect on but I had been avoiding the inner reflection on this word, mainly because I don’t feel lovely most of the time. I was sitting there in my car thinking through these thoughts about what I see in the reflection of my mirror, especially as I get older, and God lovingly broke into my thoughts again, as only a loving Father can, and said, “What you see in the reflection of a mirror is dim in the natural world. From My perspective, I see complete beauty and loveliness in the way I designed you. Your beauty radiates from the inside out and effects those around you in deeper ways than you can humanly comprehend.”

* Who ever is reading this post – I want you to hear this today – You are BEAUTIFUL (full of beauty)! God sees you from a purely divine perspective. You are created as a carrier of His presence and He dwells with you and shines through you. Don’t trust the reflection of the mirror or the dim view of the human eye. Trust the undeniable TRUTH as God reveals it to you, and give someone the free gift of your radiant smile today as you reflect Your Father to the world around you. “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12) May God bless you all and give you supernatural Peace, in Jesus’ name! I love you all! 9-21-20 Scharlotte Celestine

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